Cofrin Care Counseling
CounselingCofrin Care Counseling
Psychotherapy and Counseling Cofrin Care Counseling is committed with consistent care to help you to center yourself to discover who you
really are underneath the many layers, and masks that keep you from feeling "whole" and complete. Cofrin Care Counseling connects with
you congruently and sees the unique individual that you are! I am compassionate: my creed is that true "connection" and "communication" cure
in the Awareness of the power of the present moment. I make authentic contact through Higher Consciousness to help you to create
change through choices. Herein lies your freedom! Fear need not keep you frozen further! Cofrin care creates magical moments
for healing and caters to all ages and diagnosis.
More infomation on Cofrin Care Counseling
I am an Emersonian Scholar, greatly influenced by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Fritz Perls. I am also a Transcendentalist, a Metaphysician, and a Psychotherapist with two Ivy League degrees and a five-year post-PhD Certification in Gestalt Therapy from New York State. I specialize in treating adolescents and their families as well as providing couples counselling utilizing the Philosophy and Psychology from the Human Potential Movement.
Cofrin Connect
My passion is to help patients to live fuller lives. I specialize in depression, anxiety, personality disorders, addictions, and bereavement holding a safe space for catharsis. "The compromise to getting over pain is to go through it." You will gain the confidence to find your center at your core! I am honored to enlighten you out of the endarkenment that has kept you "stuck" from being all that you can be! I will shine the light as you walk your journey to a happier, peaceful existence!